Jintao Huang

PhD Student
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Ohio State University
Location: TBD
Email: jintao123huang@gmail.com, huang.5692@buckeyemail.osu.edu, jintaohuang@hust.edu.cn
Interests: blockchain security

About Me

Hi there! I am an upcoming PhD student of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University, where I am honored to be advised by Dr. Zhiqiang Lin (Distinguished Professor, IEEE Fellow, a worldwide top-10 researcher on the "system:security" list). My research interest is in blockchain security. Specifically, I am interested at the intersection of three domains:

  • program analysis (especially binary analysis) for blockchain security
  • modeling/measurement for blockchain security
  • ML/LLM for blockchain security

I'm always open to collaborations. If you want to share any thoughts, or our interests naturally overlap, please feel free to get in touch with me!

During my undergraduate study, I mainly work in Security PRIDE research group under Prof. Haoyu Wang at HUST. Also, I have the fortune to work with Prof. Gareth Tyson at HKUST and Prof. Konstantin Beznosov at UBC.


2024-06 Excited to announce that our paper about the SoK of NFTs has been accepted by BCRA 2024. Congrats to Kai Ma!

2024-06 Excited to announce that I have graduated from HUST! I will always cherish the four happy years of my undergraduate life.

2024-01 Excited to announce that our paper titled "Unveiling the Paradox of NFT Prosperity" has been accepted by WWW 2024!

2023-09 Excited to announce that our paper titled "Miracle or Mirage? A Measurement Study of NFT Rug Pulls." has been accepted by Sigmetrics 2024!


The CORE ranking is one assessment metric for academic conference quality. Of the 792 assessed venues, A* occupies the top 7.45%, whereas A encompasses the top 16.41%. conferences. The * indicates the co-first authors.


  • Unveiling the Paradox of NFT Prosperity.
    Jintao Huang, Pengcheng Xia, Jiefeng Li, Kai Ma, Gareth Tyson, Xiapu Luo, Lei Wu, Yajin Zhou, Wei Cai, Haoyu Wang.
    A* ACM The Web Conference (WWW 2024). Acceptance Rate: 20%.
  • Miracle or Mirage? A Measurement Study of NFT Rug Pulls.
    Jintao Huang, Ningyu He, Kai Ma, Jiang Xiao, Haoyu Wang.
    A* ACM SIGMETRICS / IFIP PERFORMANCE (SIGMETRICS 2024). Acceptance Rate: 12.5%.
  • SoK: On the Security of Non-Fungible Tokens.
    Kai Ma*, Jintao Huang*, Ningyu He*, Zhuo Wang, Haoyu Wang.
    International Conference on Blockchain Research and Applications (BCRA 2024). Best Paper Award


The CORE ranking is one assessment metric for academic conference quality. Of the 792 assessed venues, A* occupies the top 7.45%, whereas A encompasses the top 16.41%. conferences.


  • IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2024

Sub Reviewer

  • A* USENIX Security, 2024